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Yearly donation to the Khao Lak Rescue Team

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Yearly donation to the Khao Lak Rescue Team

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The only “Team” you don't want to meet during your stay in Khao Lak, Thailand but if something happens they will there to help you around the clock.

Khao Lak Rescue, a team of professional and volunteers are at service to assist emergencies in Khao Lak. 

Many of their equipment, such as hydraulic scissors to free trapped victims out of their vehicles and EAD (external automated defibrillators) are purchased from donations of local businesses and private persons.

Since Khao Lak has no own fire brigade or specialized government rescue service it is of outmost importance, to anybody, that the Khao Lak Rescue Team is equipped with state of the art equipment.

I you like to join our efforts donating please contact us to receive more information or join the Khao Lak Rescue Facebook page.

Thank you for your support.

The Team of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures


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