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Whaleshark @ Richelieu Rock!!!

Blogs of KSA

Whaleshark @ Richelieu Rock!!!

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Manta Queen 6 Liveaboard Trip Number 164, Similan Islands, Koh Bon Island, Koh Tachai, Richelieu Rock and Boon Sung Wreck, 15 amazing dives.

We left the main land with perfect conditions to cross to the Similan Island National Park. Those conditions were not leaving us any time soon, we were able to ease into the trip with a lovely dive at Anita's reef, an old favorite of all the guides. We followed that by heading to Elephant head rock and Deep six two more top sites, where we were the only boats on site. Whatever it was that day it seemed to leave everyone wanting that little bit more of something, be that more time or depth. So time get those guys started on their PADI Advanced Open Water and PADI Nitrox Course.

Day two was another day of beating the crowds to the sites. Sweet current dropping us onto the West Ridge at Koh Bon Island. Now we can all agree that Koh Tachai is a special one, but having it all to ourselves late in the afternoon while the Jacks were out hunting.....Wow!

Day three after another great way to see The Dome aka ¨The Dome of Doom¨, first thing in the morning and we were off to Richelieu Rock. There was a sense of anticipation in the air, what was this world famous rock going throw at us this time? Turtle Check, Horny cuttlefish check, oh enough already.....WHALE SHARK!!!

Thanks to you all, the Team of Manta Queen 6 and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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