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Manta Rays on almost all dives!!!

Blogs of KSA

Manta Rays on almost all dives!!!

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We have started our fabulous trip with 3 dives around Koh Bon Island.

On the first dive already we saw so much of marine life that right away from the beginning everyone was super happy and excited to see what mother nature and father ocean will bring us next.

During first day in Koh Bon and Tachai Island we found stingrays, nudibranches, leopard shark, huge groupers, maldivian sponge snails, pipefish, schools of barracudas, trevallies and of course many MANTA RAYS. On all 4 dives on the first day we had mantas. Dive three was the best manta show of the trip with ripping current and constant green monsters at the North Ridge and 3 or 4 huge manta rays playing around us for the whole dive. Awesome!!!

Second day we only did 2 dives in Richelieu Rock and 2 more dives in Tachai Island. Richelieu Rock was amazing as always, however visibility this time was slightly reduced due huge amount of plankton in the water. We still managed to have awesome dives where we found seahorses, frogfish, cuttlefish, huge schools of jacks and trevallies. Richelieu Rock was like a fish soup - fantastic!!!

Last day in Hin Luang we were lucky to meet 2 huge marble rays, one of them was bigger than 2 meters across.
Final dive in Koh Bon West Ridge and again manta ray swam straight to us to say goodbye right in the end of the dive when we were finishing our safety stop - mysterious, graceful creatures!!

Everyone was getting sad as our trip came to the end with a final dive in Boonsung Wreck which as always was amazing!!

Congratulations to David, Robin and Jessica for becoming brand new PADI Advanced Open Water Divers - well done guys!!!

Peace and Love.
Matt, Judith and the Team of Manta Queen 2

ps. Similan Islands and Richelieu Rock really Rock!!!

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