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Manta Queen I Trip #25, The Perfect Trip

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen I Trip #25, The Perfect Trip

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Another 2 SPOTFIN FROGFISHES joined this count at Richelieu Rock together with a great surprise, we founded a LONG-SNOUT SEAHORSE (or maybe Borbon, what do you think?) drifting in a piece of rope while we were doing the Safety Stop. For who doesn´t know several species of Seahorses are Pelagic, being able to travel miles hiking something drifting. Safe travels little friend!!!

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Ghostpipefishes???, is totally the season and the moment, still appearing new ones in several places, great!!!!!. Harlequins?, check.., Seamoths, check.., and plenty of nudibranches and a cute couple of JUVENILE RAZORFISH (or SHRIMPFISH) at Boonsung Wreck


Speaking about the big fellas we had several encounters with Sharks, 1 BLACK TIP REEF SHARK, 2 WHITE TIP REEF SHARKS, 3 JENKINS WHIPRAY and 2 LEOPARD SHARKS. Lucky!!!




But now are coming the big weapons!!!, in our first dive at Koh Bon one group spotted a MANTA RAY, the same one joined everybody  in the second one for a 30 minutes show at the West Ridge, thank you!!!!



After this two dives we headed to do two more at Koh Tachai, The Dome, where we had the school of barracudas doing a Tornado plus a cloud of Big Eye Trevallies catching our attention from the very beginning. When few groups were back to the boat suddently somebody shouted WHALE SHARK!!!!, and we all got the snorkelling equipment to join the groups still in the water, beautiful!!!, but we all were looking forward to see it diving.

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Then we decided to short the surface interval to 1:30 and rubbed our nipples as strong as possible. And YES!!!!, there it was waiting for us in the top of the pinnacle, swimming gracelly with the current sourronded by just our boat, everybody behaves perfectly giving us the chance of 30 minutes of quality time with this 5 meters amazing animal.



Congratulations to Morgan and Anneli for becoming Brand New Nitrox Divers, and everybody for the good vibes on board, Thank You!!!!



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