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Manta Queen I, trip #20, Sharks, Ribbon Eels & Biggest Nudibranches ever!!

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Manta Queen I, trip #20, Sharks, Ribbon Eels & Biggest Nudibranches ever!!

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Speaking about the Ribbon Eels, we specially love this special creatures, we saw 1 at West of Eden, 2 at Deep Six, 1 at Koh Bon West Ridge, 1 at The Dome and 2 at The Plateau, all of them males except one female. This Eels are all starting their lives being males (black), but are able to become females depends the needings (becoming blue), the black with a thick yellow ribbon in the back is a males who became female before and turn back to be male again). And if the Eel is living long enough will turn yellow (Old females)


Nudibraches: We spotted different new ones, like colorful Hammershield, Bubble Flabellina, but the most special ones were a couple of Huge Sea Hares mating, we size them using our arm and were 40 cm long!!!!, and another couple sizing 20 cms, can´t recall right now the name (think was a dendronotis) but will update this post as soon as i reidentificate them.


Of course were more characters in this story, a lot of them usual suspects like Seamoths, Frogfish, Ghostpipeffishes (new one at Elephant Head Rock), Decorator Crab, Crocodile Flathead, Orangutan Crab, Kuhl´s Stingray, Hawksbill Turtle, Napoleon Wrasse, Sea Snake, Marble Snake Eels, Barracudas, Frenzy of Trevallies, Devil Scorpionfish,etc... Check out the picture below of this Western Clownfish protecting the eggs:


But is not finishing there, we were not lucky to spot a Manta underwater but right when we were doing our second dive briefing on Board one costumer shout Manta!!!!!, we weren´t really believing it, but as soon as everybody went to the Port side there it was!!!!, passing by next to the boat, Beautiful!!!!!


Our schedule has this time few chances because mother nature decide it, we started like always at Similan Islands with Anita´s Reef, West of Eden, Deep Six, (Beach time), Honeymoon bay, Elephant Head Rock, (Beach time), North Point, Koh Bon and Koh Tachai. Was in our third day when we had to change it because the wind and waves and skip Richelieu Rock, coming back again to Koh Bon, after one dive at The Dome, The Plateau (Koh Tachai), we did the North Ridge, Wall (Koh Bon) and last day like usual Hin Luang and Boonsung Wreck.


Great trip full of new creatures and nice people, and brand new certified divers. Advanced Pauline, Adventure Deep Diver Samuli and Nitrox Divers Vadim Damien & Jean-Luc, great job guys!!!



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