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Manta Queen I, trip #12 (MANTAS & SEAHORSE!!)

Blogs of KSA

Manta Queen I, trip #12 (MANTAS & SEAHORSE!!)

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After this one we headed north to Koh Bon, like always we dove at the West Ridge, where few groups spotted a Leopard Shark sleeping next to the ridge a black Ribbon Eel and few Napoleon Wrasses.

Third and last dive at Koh Tachai, The Dome, where right at the beginning 2 Mantas appeared to welcome us to this amazing place, going back and forth the whole dive together with 2 huge Cobias, hard to say something else about this one where all the rest of local suspects loose interest having this two guys around giving us such a stunning show.



In sunset the mantas were not there anymore, but the school of barracudas and a eagle ray delight the groups together with the frenzy of Tunas and Trevallies hunting above the pinnacle.

In the third day we did 3 dives at Richelieu Rock, and yes!!!!, seahorse!!!!!, a juvenile Tigertail Seahorse became the star of the day, not forgetting of course the Bentstick Pipefish, Ornate Ghostpipefish, Cuttlefishes, octopuses, Devil scorpionfish, Morey Eels....etc.



After our second sunset dive we came back to Koh Bon to spend the night to jump the next day at Hin Luang, where again the Stonefish was waiting for us at the top, i have to say is the most beautiful one i ever seen, White/Yellowish and Pink. 

Boonsung Wreck again demostrate to be the best way to end up this trip, with such amount of life living together among the wreck pieces, 2 Ornate Ghostpipefish, Rays, pipefish, spearing mantis shrimps, cuttlefish, nudibranch, Honeycomb Morey eels.


Congratulations to our fresh Advanced Open Water divers, Jussi, Kirsi, Sam, Bas, Natalia, Dimitry, you did a great job, and thanks to all of you for making this great trip more than remarkable, hope to see you again.



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