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Manta Queen 6 steering shaft breaks on the way to Similan

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Manta Queen 6 steering shaft breaks on the way to Similan

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Manta Queen 6 Liveaboard Trip 203.


We left the pier of Khao Lak with a mixed bag of guests. Chinese, French, Dutch, German, Ukrainian and Spanish and we only had 11 guest.

The first night was set to bring us some excitement. At around 1:30 am the boats steering shaft broke, it was clear the boat would take no further part that night, she needed to head home to Tappers for some TLC!

By 2:30 am we had our friend on MQ 7 alongside ready to take us onboard. The following morning the guest of 6 & 7 were ready just in the water, a lil check dive at Anita's to settle in.

After a wonderful breakfast, prepared by the joint forces of the cooks from both boats, we received word that my beloved Manta Queen 6 was on her way back to pick us up. However not before hanging out with the "boys and girls" of Manta Queen 7 for a few more dives, namely West of Eden, Deep Six, Hideaway bay and our last dive together was a double header at Elephant Head Rock!

Before we had left Manta Queen 6 I had spoken to my guests about how our reaction to issues was always far more telling than the issues themselves. What a great reaction these guys had, four guests deciding to in fact extend their trip, stay with Manta Queen 7 to get that extra day. The remain 6 that came back to Manta Queen 6 got involved in continuing their education, and made the most out of having such a quiet boat!

The rest of the trip ran like clockwork! Great dives at the Koh Bon West Ridge, Koh Tachai The Dome and Richelieu Rock! Mating cuttlefish, Barracudas in their hundreds, jacks as far as the eye could see!

We fisnihsed our 4 day and 4 night Similan Liveaboard trip with only 5 divers by the end.

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