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Manta Queen 6 back from another amazing 4 day and 4 night trip to Similan Islands

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Manta Queen 6 back from another amazing 4 day and 4 night trip to Similan Islands

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Manta Queen 6 Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 220.

Great mix of guests headed over to start as we so often do, with great dives at Anita's, Deep Six and West of Eden! We followed that by heading to Elephant Head Rock and Deep Six two more top sites, where we were the only boats on site. Whatever it was that day it seemed to leave everyone wanting that little bit more of something, be that more time or depth. So time get those guys started on their PADI Advanced Open Water and PADI Nitrox Course.

We held our nerve, with conditions like these, they must be around...and so they were, Daria had them at depth! As great as that was, there were still some on the boat including myself that were still in search of those illusive monsters.

On to the Koh Tachai Dome, a stunning dive all round, but it was on the way to our stop when the Manta would finally pay us a visit. It's was an encounter that will stay with me for the rest of my life. At first she passed straight over head and then she turned it seems clear she wanted us to see her. After a little time I realised she wanted us to see more detail specifically her left side, where she had picked up a piece of fishing net. On her second passed she paused long enough to allow me to unhook the net from her tail fin. Sadly as I did my nervous hands, fearful of causing any damage to this magnificent animal, seemed to scare her and off she went with a piece of net still hooked around her cephalic fin. I don't think I will ever dive the Dome without wondering if I'll see he again, I know that's all I'll think of when we jump there tomorrow sunset, but for now it's off to Richelieu Rock to see what magic the old girl has in store for us tomorrow.

Last day early morning we jumped in Koh Bon Hin Luang and in two minutes found Leopard Shark resting at the sandy bottom! Then few octopus and a stone fish. After the breakfast another dive in Koh Bon North Ridge - few cuttlefish, seasnake and schools of longnose emperors and bluefin trevally hunting at the glassfish.

Final dive was at Boonsung Wreck with huge schools of fish everywhere, big and small honeycomb morays and cute nudibranches - perfect dive as a last for amazing trip!

The Team of Manta Queen 6 and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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