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End of the Season Whaleshark run...

Blogs of KSA

End of the Season Whaleshark run...

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Whoop-whoop! Another awesome cruise into the Andaman Sea!!!!

We started our first day from "Koh Bon Island" where we were very lucky to have Mantas from the very first dive!!! Beautiful creatures swimming and dancing with us! After 3 dives with these beauties we went to "Koh Tachai Island" to do night dive where we had morays, cuttlefish, pigmy squid and other night creatures!

Second day we wake up ready to explore "The Dome"! Amazing dives with huge school of barracudas, giant trevallies and lots of others fishes everywhere! And at the end of the second dive we were very lucky and had the visit of Whaleshark!!!! This brought us back to the boat with a huge smile in our faces and ready to sail to the famous "Richelieu Rock"!
Sailing on the flat sea of the Surin Island National Park we arrived at Richelieu Rock and saw the little residents like the pineapple fish, frog fish, seahorse, ornate ghost pipefish and hundreds of fishes everywhere! It was fantastic!

Third day we were back at "Koh Bon Island" and started the day at "Koh Bon Hin Luang" where we had a great sunrise dive with lots of fish feeding and found the two very funny and active Harlequin Shrimps! Afterwards, one more dive at the Koh Bon West Ridge before heading to the Similan Islands!
The third dive of the day was at "Christmas Point" where we had more than 40 meters visibility and saw white tip sharks, Napoleon, Barracudas and lots of fish everywhere! We finished the day with a sunset dive at "Turtle Rock" and had a lot of fun with all the swim-thrus and found a very cute couple of Pygmy Pipehorses!

Fourth day we start the day at "Three Trees" on the northern pàrt of the Similan Islands doing a nice drift dive and flying through the dive site, followed by "Christmas Point" again! We liked it soooo much! We saw more sharks, morays, cuttlefish mating and a beautiful, huge Napoleon!!! Dive three at "North Point" was really good! Followed by a nice sunset dive at "West of Eden" drifting along and visiting our resident Giant Frogfish! A sunset cruise to Honeymoon Bay followed where we styed for our last night at the Similan Islands.

The fifth day we started the diving at "Deep Six" with a good current, we saw sharks, lobsters and lots of fish and before leaving the Similan Islands one more dive at "Elephant Head Rock" with more sharks, stingrays, tunas and lots of fun navigating the channels and swim-thrus! Last dive at "Premchai Wreck" close to mainland where we saw bent-stick pipefish, nudibranches, flounders and lots of fish!

Congratulations to Frederic, Maria, Chotika, Christine and Dana for becoming PADI Advanced Open Water divers! And to Yiqi Li, who is now a PADI Nitrox diver!

Thanks everybody for coming and hope to see you again!!!

The Team of Manta Queen 3 powered by Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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