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Beach Clean up Trash Hero and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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Beach Clean up Trash Hero and Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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Khao Lak Scuba Adventures and The Haven Khao Lak Resort would like to say thank you to our 31 amazing Trash Heroes participating in the beach clean up in Khuk Khak beach, Khao Lak, Thailand
This was our 14. clean up since we founded the Trash Hero Chapter Khao Lak and we have collected another 175kg of trash from Khuk Khak Beach. 
If you'd like to join us next week for our 15. clean up, we'd love to invite you to participate and become a Trash Hero. Next Saturday 9. of September at 3 PM. Meeting point will update soon again on the Trash Hero Facebook page. Special thanks to The Haven Khao Lak Resort and to our Khao Lak Scuba Adventures staff for all support with manpower, foods and drinks.

Another Saturday, another beach clean up, number 14 since the start of the Khao Lak Trash Hero Chapter. Khao Lak Scuba Adventures and The Haven Khao Lak Resort collected 137 kg of trash from the beach. We continue every Saturday even during the high season to free the Khao Lak beaches from as much garbage as possible. We would like to see more support from local dive centres that haven't showed any interest except for Bambu Diving and Wet Zone. We are happy to get a strong support from the local resorts and volunteers that have helped us to remove more then 1000 kg of trash in the past 14 weeks. 

We would love to invite everybody around Khao Lak to participate on this event. There is still plenty of trash waiting to be removed from our Khao Lak beaches. No matter where you come from, expat, resident or tourist, join our cause and support us keeping our area tidy and beautiful. 

Thank you all we love you!!! Your Khao Lak Scuba Adventures Team.


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