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Donald Duck Bay

Koh Bon Phuket, Thailand diving is a granite islet situated some distance to the northwest of the Similan Diving Islands.

Donald Duck Bay

Donald Duck Bay is located on the north side of Koh Similan (Similan Island Number 8) and is named after a pile of rocks on the east side of the bay that look like Donald Duck’s head.

The bay is a good natural shelter and many of the liveaboard boats moored here in this bay. It is also a very popular night dive location given it well protected bay and easy conditions also suitable to diver training because of it’s shallow depth and minimal currents.

There are plenty of lobster, shrimp, squid and octopus around and there is more than enough to make a night dive interesting. There is a mixture of hard and soft corals and a few sea fans round which add to the dive.

This dive is an easy dive with a nice combination of boulders and flat sand at about 16 – 40 metres diving depth

Manta Queen Liveaboard can help you see this!

Type of Dive: Boulder
Depth: 16 – 40 metres diving depth
Visibility: 20 – 30 metres
Temperature: 27 – 29 degrees C
Difficulty: Intermediate / Advanced PAD