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Blogs of KSA

Jasmin reporting directly from the Similan Island National Park

 Author: | View 1482

Similan Island Divesafari with Manta Queen 5 Trip Number 91 This is Jasmine the Angelfish reporting directly from the Andaman Sea and this week we have explored the Similan Island National Park. We have had the opportunity to follow one of the dive boats around from Khao Lak Scuba Adventures: Manta Queen 5. As the divers from the boat jumped in the water at Anita's Reef on their first...


Whaleshark sighting at Richelieu Rock!!!

 Author: | View 1897

Manta Queen 3 Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 216 The trip started on Similan Island no. 7 and we had a nice and easy check dive on West of Eden. We had great visibility and had a bunch of cool stuff like spearing mantis shrimp and a giant frogfish. For the second dive we went to deep six where we had some pygmy pipe horse and some sharks. Third dive didn't disappoint us either as ...


Similan Island Divesafari with Manta Queen 5.

 Author: | View 1796

Similan Island Divesafari Number 90 onboard Manta Queen 5 As the season goes forward the guests get better. What an amazing group of people onboard for a 3 day 3 night divesafari! We woke up on the first day moored up at Similan Islands on the first dive site of the liveaboard trip Anitas Reef. A great place for us all to get to know each other. Conditions were perfect! A nice easy dive wher...


Special thanks to our Hong Kong Group on one of our best charters ever!

 Author: | View 1552

Similan Island Charter Manta Queen 2 This is perhaps the first time in history of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures that we have a Chinese blog! Accompanied by the sound of our laughter and twelve guests from Hong Kong and set sail from the dock of Khao Lak began three days of diving adventure. With the beautiful sunrise at the Similan Island of Koh Bon and the sea breeze blowing we began the first ...


Beautiful Trip report of Manta Queen 7 Trip Number 62

 Author: | View 1684

Similan and Surin Island Liveaboard Manta Quuen 7 With the beginning of April Manta Queen 7 sailed for 62nd trip around wonderful Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and famous Richelieu Rock. We started on calm and pristine waters of Anita`s Reef, hidden near Similan Island 5 and 6, well known for rich marine life, from tiny species of nudibranch, curious but a little shy garden eels, mast...


Oscar proposed to Monica and she said yes!!!

 Author: | View 1780

Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 7 Manta Queen 7 set out on the 24th of March 2016 from Khao Lak habour, aboard a broad variety of different nationalities all very excited to get into the water and explore all the beauty the Similan Islands has to offer. Day one started out with a dive at Anitas Reef, West of Eden and Deep Six. We saw plenty of moray eels, ribbon eels, coral crabs, octo...


Thirteen PADI courses on Manta Queen 5

 Author: | View 1569

Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 5 Trip Number 89 Manta Queen 5 sets out again on a 3 day and 3 night trip with 22 guests onboard! We’ve had lot of PADI courses going on in this trip, with 12 PADI Advanced Courses & 1 PADI Open Water Course. Over 11 dives in 3 days, it was accomplishing seeing our divers improve their skills & confidence level underwater. Our first 2 da...


Secret recipe of Manta Queen 3 for an amazing underwater advanture!!!

 Author: | View 1572

Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 215 Here is your recipe for an amazing underwater adventure in the Similan Islands: Take 33 divers from 14 different countries and place them gently on Manta Queen 3, the biggest boat in the fleet. Ensure they are well fed and watered 4 times a day with delicious meals and juicy fruit. Add a sprinkling of pineapple cookies for best effect. Now stir in 16 PA...


Great trip on Manta Queen 7 to Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock

 Author: | View 1576

Similan Island Liveaboard Number 59 onboard Manta Queen 7 On the first day of the trip we woke up to a beautiful sunrise over the Similan Islands. We started with a relaxed Check dive at Anitas reef followed by West of Eden, where some of the groups saw a frog fish! 3rd dive at rarely visited divesite Boulder City was nice and quiet. We ended the day with a night dive. 2nd day of the trip an...


4 days of fun on Manta Queen 6

 Author: | View 1611

Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 6 The first day of the trip on board Manta Queen 6 at the Similan Islands began at Anita's Reef where we had sightings of Parrot Fish, Trumpet Fish and hiding on the bottom, Garden Eels. Then we did the second dive at West of Eden where luckely we found Frogfish and the resident of this dive site – Spearing Manta Shrimp. The third dive was at one ...


Manta Queen 5 returns from a 3 day and 3 night trip to Similan Islands

 Author: | View 1519

Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 88 with Manta Queen 5   Another 3 day and 3 night trip to the Similan Islands with a full boat of 22 guests! We had a total of eight dives from Day 1 & 2 across Similan Islands 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9; seven day dives with majestically picturesque boulders and interesting swim-throughs; one night dive at Hideaway Bay where w...


Khao Lak Scuba Adventures welcomes the Hong Kong International School to their annual diving trip to Similan Islands

 Author: | View 1625

Similan Island Liveaboard Manta Queen 7 Trip Number 58 On the 6th of March Manta Queen 7 set off on a very special trip of the season Aboard was the 2016 interim team from the Hong Kong International School, with their fantastic teachers Dee, Kevin, Paul and Steve. Day one started in the beautiful Similan Islands, that surrounded us with their sheer beauty and crystal clear water. Day ...


Manta Queen 1 is back from a 4 days and 4 night trip to Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock

 Author: | View 1479

Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 213 with Manta Queen 1. We set off on trip number 213 with a boat filled with very excited guests. We awoke on day one, surrounded by the literal paradise the Similan National Marine Park is. With great excitement and anticipation we jumped into the water for our first dive at Anitas Reef where we saw loads of garden eels, blue spotted sting rays and a f...


BUSTED!!! Hong Kong spear fishers put Panunee Liveaboard in hot water. Commented by Admin of Khao Lak Scuba Blog

 Author: | View 2678

From the Phuket Gazette: Photos of Hong Kong spear fishermen showing off the bounty they hunted in the waters of the Andaman caused an uproar on social media as those online made allegations that they had been fishing in Similan Island National Park, Thailand’s top diving destination. Panunee, the boat that the tourists were hunting from, is touted as a 5-star luxury liveaboard ¨5 STA...


Epic Similan Island trip on Manta Queen 3

 Author: | View 1773

Similan Island Liveaboard Trip Number 214 onboard Manta Queen 3 What a wonderful trip aboard Manta Queen 3 for her 214th voyage to the Similan and Surin Island national parks! The diving has been so great this season with sightings of almost everything imaginable, both large and small. This trip was no different, as we had everything from Pygmy Pipehorses to Manta Rays, and seemingly everything...