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Blogs of KSA

Similan Islands - Manta Queen I - First trip of the year 2014. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

 Author: | View 19583

                              Third day, morning dive in Koh Tachai and then amiziiiiiiiing Richelieu Rock wich is getting more interesting. Every trip is found something else. Now ghost pipe fish are gone, but instead we have the visit of a little Sea Horse and...


Festive Frolics and Fraternizing with Fishes (Whale Shark, Grey Reef Shark and Barracudas Galore) MQIII 27/12/13-31/12/13

 Author: | View 23613

  Next day and first dive was at Koh Tachai again with high expectations for what we might see. The shark was still hanging around and so were the barracuda. The visibility was amazing, and we could hardly believe it when literally out of the blue a few groups were lucky enough to see a little whale shark! A truly amazing sight; he was about 3.5-4 meters long for a fish that grows up to 10...


Manta Queen I trip 15, somewhere between Christmas & New years Eve

 Author: | View 22075

    Second day, and after our first dive at North Point to visit the Massive Sea Fans a Barrel Sponges of the Outer Pinnacle we headed north to Koh Bon, where seems the clouds of glassfish are getting bigger and bigger over there, is a marvelous show when the BlueFin Trevallies are hunting in organised squadrons among them. Above the ridge were Hundreds of Rainbow Runners and we enjo...


Mother Nature 101 on Manta Queen 2 Trip #116

 Author: | View 20116

  Our trip on Manta Queen 2 started just like any other, with only small waves and minimal currents on the West Ridge of Koh Bon. We made two dives there, finding spearing Mantis Shrimp and this really cool octopus. It was not shy and let us get really close. Perfect for photos! We headed up toward Koh Tachai and the waves began to get a little larger. We did make two amazing dives ...


Manta Queen 3 trip 112

 Author: | View 21434

  For those of us from the southern hemisphere its always been normal to sing about frosty the snow man and sleigh bells jingling with the sun beating down and playing outside. With many family and friends coming out to enjoy something new this year it was a great atmosphere on the boat although we did have to can the christmas music around mid day as there is only so many silent night...


MQ2 Christmas Trip!!!

 Author: | View 19814

  We started  off at Koh Bon, and I must say, there is nothing quite like that first giant stride entry of the trip... After a few dives and a very entertaining octopus we moved North to Koh Tachai. A few of us did the night dive, but most opted for a sunset dive on Tachai Pinnacle instead. Tournedos out to be a good choice, with huge schools of Chevron Barracuda circling...



 Author: | View 24703

  The Dome delivered the Usual suspects like Barracudas, TRevallies, Tunas and Koh Tachai North-West Reef another of the Highlights of this trip, a Leopard Shark sleeping underneath the Boat, hello there!!!! A great sunrise dive in the second pinnacle of the Dome, with a really cute Baby Devil scorpionfish, was a perfect start for what was coming, Richelieu Rock in one of his best days,...


Manta Queen Trip #111

 Author: | View 18916

  With some 'challenging' currents popping up at Elephant Head Rock and Christmas Point we thought we could sit back and enjoy the next couple of dives, but arriving at Koh Bon on day 2 we were slightly wrong. With a raging current and some washing machine conditions coming across the West Ridge groups were flying down the wall in record time and wiping past the ridge to the coral garden...


Manta Queen I trip # 13

 Author: | View 18650

  First dive of the trip, Annita's Reef. I still cant believe what we saw in that dive. Submerged in the waters around 24m, suddently an spectacular manta ray passing over, around 5m deep. In these two season here I haven't seen any manta rays in Annita's Reef, so my state of shock last the whole day long. So if starting the trip, we see a manta ray, what else is gonna happen to us latt...


Harlequin Shrimp, Stonefish, Frogfish, Oh My!!!

 Author: | View 25042

  There was a big feeding frenzy on the second dive, with thousands of tiny glass fish working hard to avoid the hungry mouths of a gang of hunters that included Checkerboard Wrasse, Emperor fish, Slate Sweetlips, Trevally, Grouper and even a few Rainbow Runners. It was really great to see, cool for everyone, except maybe the glass fish! The dives at Tachai Pinnacle were so be...


Manta Queen 3 Trip 110

 Author: | View 20078

    Elephant head rock was a calming dive this trip with zero current and 30m visibility was amazing to swim aronf the mammoth site with its huge boulders and swim throughs. Turning a corner and you get the pleasure of the 'wind up toy' like creature which is the sea moth or little dragon... They seriously look as they belong in the bath tub with the kids.......not at 26m on a mass...


Manta Queen I, trip #12 (MANTAS & SEAHORSE!!)

 Author: | View 21849

  After this one we headed north to Koh Bon, like always we dove at the West Ridge, where few groups spotted a Leopard Shark sleeping next to the ridge a black Ribbon Eel and few Napoleon Wrasses. Third and last dive at Koh Tachai, The Dome, where right at the beginning 2 Mantas appeared to welcome us to this amazing place, going back and forth the whole dive together with 2 huge Co...


Manta Queen 3 Trip #109

 Author: | View 19810

    Hin Luang pulled a beautiful pink and purple faced Stone fish out of the bag on the last day which everyone got to enjoy and the Boonsung was just excellent with frog fish, ghost pipefish, nudibranch and crocodile fish... Love it!!!!! thanks to everyone and i know there were a few looking to book straight back on again for another trip so see you soon. Congratulations to Johan fo...


Manta Queen I, trip #11 (MANTA!!)

 Author: | View 22872

  Now is time to visit Donald Duck bay to enjoy again the sunset from Sail Rock, relaxing time at the beach with a great postal picture evolving in front of you. Beautiful like always. And as last dive again Lobster city, or formerly know as Nam Chai or lastly for us Eagle Rock. With the usual amount of lobsters, crabs, moreys, Scorpion fishes and small night creatures. Our second day s...


Manta Queen 3 Trip #108

 Author: | View 20443

  Island 7 gave us our first Sea Moth which is always a crowd pleaser as how can little animal that looks like a squished bird or a wind up toy you used to play with in the bath, one, be so damned hard to see, two, not get blowen away in the currents. ah. the magic.   Octopus are always a favourite and Elephant Head Rock brought smiles to our diles with large octopus out...