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Dive Equipment


Dive Equipment








Your dive gear is life-supporting equipment — designed to help you breathe and control your movement underwater and one of the best insurance policies for staying safe while diving.

Khao Lak Scuba Adventures uses only dive equipment from global brands such as Scuba Pro ordered from the most reputable suppliers in Thailand.

Our dive center is also an authorized dealer for Scuba Pro, Poseidon, OMS, Suunto  and TUSA dive equipment and the largest dive retail store in Khao Lak.

All our rental sets consists of Scuba Pro BCD T-One, Scuba Pro Regulator MK2 Plus and a Scuba Pro R 295 Octopus with an additional console integrating a pressure and depth gauge.

Due the tropical water conditions we use Short 3mm wet suits. In case you get cold easily you can order during check in a long 3mm wet suit for as low as 200 THB per day.

Since we dive only from our boats and water is warm we use closed heel fins.

Additional we can supply you with prescriptive diving masks form –1 to –7 for a small additional surcharge.

Our standard dive tanks are 12 Litre Luxfer or Catalina Aluminum tanks fitted with DIN and INT valves. If you need larger tanks, 15 Litre and Double Set 12 or 15 Litre, tanks are available (surcharge applies).

Nitrox is available on all boats for 12 and 15 Litre tanks.

All our equipment is regularly checked by our in-house technician. When the gear comes of the boat, team members of our Technical Department rinse, clean and checks all equipment before it is handed out again.

Once per season all out tanks get visually inspected,hydrostatically tested regularly as per Thai law, and regulators serviced. Mask and snorkels get disassembled and thoroughly cleaned.

A proof of this can be found on our Facebook page or you can ask any time to inspect our equipment in our store room.


Khao Lak Scuba Adventures has two own retail shops, one integrated in the dive center and another TUSA specialized one on the main street 10 meters from the traffic light.

Due our large order volume we can offer the best rates for dive equipment in Khao Lak, and in case we don´t have what you are looking for we can get it the same day or a day later at the latest.


A buddy check is mandatory on all Khao Lak Scuba Adventures vessels before entering the water.

BCD: Check cumberband, waist strap, shoulder straps, tank band. Inflate and deflate your BCD, Inflate your BCD until the pressure-relief valve pops off and let the BCD stand for a couple of seconds to see if it holds the air pressure.

Weight belt and weights:  Make sure you are wearing your weight belt or weight pockets and that the buckle is properly closed and easy to access in case you have to emergency drop your weight belt on the surface.  

Air: Check that your tank valve is open by breathing from your main regulator while watching the pressure gauge on your console. The needle inside the pressure gauge should show around 200 Bar or 3000 PSI. The needle should not move at all, if it moves while you breath your tank may not be fully opened, or something is wrong so please inform your dive guide.

Other: Check you have your mask and fins with you. If you use an underwater camera make sure the O-ring that seals the housing is free of any stains. If you use a torch make sure to wear the wristband or have the torch attached to your BCD buckles. Before you enter the water turn your torch on, in case you drop the torch it is easy to find it back.

If you use a nitrox tank check with your Divemaster the percentage of Oxygen in your tank and set your dive computer accordingly.


All dive equipment can fail due mechanical problems even it has been serviced according the manufacturer guidelines.

Stay close to your dive buddy or group during a dive. Refresh emergency training regularly, such as breathing from a free flowing regulator, clearing of a flooded mask, out of air emergency with an controlled ascent to the surface and dropping of the weight belt on the surface. If you are not confident with these procedures anymore please let us know before cruise departure and we can arrange for you a Scuba Review beforehand.

We hope you enjoy your stay on board ¨The Manta Queen Fleet¨