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Turtle Rock

Located on Similan Island #8, this amazing granite site has plenty of swimthroughs and not only does the rock look like a turtle but we see them underwater too!

Turtle Rock

Turtle Rock comprises a coral community on the rocky coast and patched reef located to the west of Donald Duck Bay. The site’s landmark is a rock shaped like a turtle. Turtle Rock consists of stacked rocks and stag horn coral stretching along the edge of the island. The sand bottom is at 25 metres. The average depth of the rocky area is 15 to 20 metres. North of the rocky area is a shallow part that is 8 to 10 metres in depth. There is also a swim-through here.

On the sandy bottom, Kuhl’s stingrays and garden eels are a common sight. Nestled within the crevices of the rocks, you are likely to find several kinds of sweetlips, snappers, groupers, angelfish, and moray eels. Also, various small creatures like nudibranch and squat lobsters. Sea turtles are often seen here too.

The site is not very deep, and the current is not too strong, so this is suitable for relaxing day dive and can be the second or third dive of the day. There is no mooring line, so divers have to descend/ ascend with caution. Try to swim out and away from the rock when surfacing.

Type : Boulder/ Reef
Depth : 10-25 m
Visibility : 15-20 m
Difficulty : Beginner
Current : Mild